
The Flex component is a layout element that arranges its child components in a flexible and responsive manner using CSS Flexbox. It simplifies the creation of complex, adaptive layouts by controlling the alignment, distribution, and spacing of items within a container. This component is fundamental for building responsive and cohesive designs that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations.

import * as React from 'react'
import { Flex } from '@welcome-ui/flex'
import { Box } from '@welcome-ui/box'
const Example = () => {
return (
<Flex align="center" justify={{ xs: 'center', md: 'space-between' }} wrap="wrap">
<Box backgroundColor="sub-1" h={50} m="sm" w={50} />
<Box backgroundColor="sub-2" h={50} m="sm" w={50} />
<Box backgroundColor="sub-3" h={50} m="sm" w={50} />
<Box backgroundColor="sub-4" h={50} m="sm" w={50} />
<Box backgroundColor="sub-5" h={50} m="sm" w={50} />
export default Example



Run the following command:

yarn add @welcome-ui/flex

Import component:

import { Flex } from '@welcome-ui/flex'

With the Flex component use shorthand props:

  • alignItems is align
  • flexBasis is basis
  • flexDirection is direction
  • flexGrow is grow
  • flexShrink is shrink
  • flexWrap is wrap
  • justifyContent is justify